Wow, I absolutely can't believe that our little guy is just over a month old now. The time has flown by, which makes me so sad!!! It's amazing how our lives have completely changed (in some aspects) and how my opinions on what is important have changed. We've been keeping busy, getting out of the house, and having visitors over. Just in the last couple weeks, we've gone shopping a few times, out to several restaurants, to the dog park, and out on neighborhood walks - being a super-organized person before having this baby has helped me prepare for getting out of the house on time with a baby, for sure! Those of you that know me well will understand how I would "get off" on having absolutely everything I need, for any type of emergency, packed up in the baby bag and with us at all times! haha. Maybe I enjoy it so much because it's the one thing that I still CAN control. We are on Finn's eating and sleeping schedule of demands; our time is not our own anymore! But no matter how terrible I feel at 3 in the morning when I'm hoping that he will just fall asleep already, or how frustrated I get when he poops through his clothes repeatedly - this is clearly the most awesome and wonderful thing I've ever done. I can't believe there's a little part of me, asleep here on the couch next to me, breathing out his milk-flavored breath and squirming to be held. I want to eat him up! So did Santa, this past weekend - ho, ho, gulp!
- mama T
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