How Old: 5 months, 4 days
Height/Weight: probably 16 pounds?
Milestones: He has become quite good at sitting up without wobbling too much! And he had his first plane flight over Easter Weekend
Eating: Alone with rice cereal once a day, he just started eating sweet potatoes, which he loves! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be trying a new food every week!
Sleeping: He had a little setback because of being on vacation probably, so no more 7+-hr stretches, but he is getting in 4 at a time, AND is doing that in his big-boy crib, which is a new experience for him. Mom and Dad finally have our bed back!
Silliest Moment: Probably when he’s eating, because we let him get as messy as he wants to. Also, coming back home to Oregon on the plane flight, he laughed and squealed for the last ten minutes and had everyone in stitches! And he loves laughing at Cheddar.
Newly Emerging Attributes: he has developed a little ‘shy’ thing when we approach someone new. He’ll smile and then bury his face into the person holding him. Cute.
Looking forward to: When he can fully sit up on his own and play with toys. Right now he does the dreaded head-bonk on the floor if we’re not watching him close!